Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sleep Study Results

We had an appointment with Giuliana's ENT doctor to go over the results of her Sleep Study. He said it came back pretty normal, however, she stopped breathing 4 times, but not because of her tongue blocking the airway (which is our concern). I guess her brain forgot to tell her to breathe. I asked the doctor if we should be concerned about this (it didn't seem to faze him) and he said "no, that's pretty common in babies." I told him the alarm still goes off on her pulse ox. a few times at night, and he recommends we keep her on it until we don't hear an alarm for 2 weeks, but it's our call.

Since the alarm is still going off, I'd like to keep her on the pulse ox., because when the alarm sounds, it wakes her up enough to correct the issue, but not enough for it to be a problem for her to return to sleep. Plus it gives me peace of mind at night, and I still need that.

Also, I can't remember if I mentioned this in previous posts, but if not, her recent abdominal ultrasound came back negative.

We've recently started Giuliana on solids. Making my own baby food worked well with Giovanna, so I'm doing it again for Giuliana. Last week we tried Sweet Potatoes and Pears. Neither were a big hit. But can you believe tonight I made Cauliflower, and she loved it! Cauliflower? Really? She doesn't get that from me!

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