Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Lees!

Yesterday I had a Baby Lee #2 doctor appointment with an ultrasound. We did not find out if we're having a boy or a girl. The baby is measuring about 2 weeks larger, but they are not changing my due date. They checked my blood sugar and everything is fine, so they are not concerned with gestational diabetes, it looks like we just have a big baby! I am feeling the baby move around all the time. This baby is just as active as Giovanna was. We used to tease that Giovanna was running a nightclub because she was partying in my tummy and it was late at night! Looks like Giovanna will have a business partner!
This is a profile view

Baby Lee #2 is waving hello to everybody out there!
"Hello out there from in here!"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Do

Oh the joys of talking! We have noticed that Giovanna started saying "I do" when we ask her certain questions. Below is a video of a few of the cute things she does. She knows who Donald Duck is, and whenever she sees him, or someone talks about him, or if Joe sings the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song, she talks like Donald. You can't really hear her too well in the video, but it is too cute. Enjoy!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Zing Zang Zoom!

On Friday night we went to see the Barnum and Bailey's Circus, Zing Zang Zoom, at the Allstate Arena. We arrived early to see the "preshow" where you got to meet clowns and other performers, and also see a variety of mini-shows. Joe was chosen to be and audience participant for one of the Ringmaster's magic tricks. It was pretty funny to see him in the spotlight! Giovanna seemed to like the elephants, and those are my favorite too!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! We had a great Halloween this year. Gunnar was able to spend the day with us. He dressed up like a Magician, although, all the houses thought he was either Harry Potter or a Vampire. Giovanna was Minnie Mouse. Unfortunately, the ears were way too big, so we just put her hair in pig tails. It was a really cold day for trick-or-treating, but we still had a spooky good time! We met up with Auntie Vicki and Jack by their house. Gunnar was a great big brother and started bringing Giovanna's pumpkin up to the doors for trick-or-treating until we more consistently got people answering their doors. Then the fun began! Giovanna caught on to trick-or-treating really quickly. She was having a blast running to the houses and climbing up the stairs. Poor thing made it up and down one block before we decided to put her back in her stroller. Gunnar's pillowcase was so heavy by the end of the night, and Giovanna made out like a bandit too! My parents came by earlier in the day, and we went to visit Joe's parents at the end of the evening where Gunnar and Giovanna did some more trick-or-treating!

Giovanna in her Minnie Mouse Costume

Gunnar getting Giovanna excited for Trick-or-treating

Gunnar in his Magician's cape and bow tie

Giovanna wanted to be in the picture too!

Gunnar and Giovanna going through his candy

Giovanna getting ready to go tick-or-treating by Grandma Annie & Grandpa Bill's house!
