Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Juggle By: Gunnar Lee

I Juggle
By: Gunnar J. Lee

I juggle a ball,
I juggle a trombone,
I juggle an elephant,
I juggle a bear,
and anything that goes in the air.

I juggle a car,
I juggle a chair,
I juggle an umbrella,
I juggle a clown,
and anything that will come down.

I'd really like for you to see me.
One day I wish to be on T.V.
and if you don't turn on the right channel,
I'd like to see you juggle.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kayleigh Anne Freeman

I belong to a website called BabyCenter and on this site there is a feature called Birth Clubs. I joined the September 2008 birth club when I was pregnant with Giovanna. This is a great tool to talk to other women going through the same things you are. I have used this site to answer many questions. Anyway, there is a woman who belonged to the September 2008 birth club, but her baby came early. Kayleigh Anne Freeman was born 12 weeks early, June 2008. On our board on BabyCenter, we've been following Kayleigh's progress. She was born 1 lb 1 oz, and is a survivor. The poor little angel has been through so many surgeries. Kayleigh is the smallest infant to ever undergo open heart surgery. It was a success, but unfortunately has had several more health issues since. Last night as I was waiting for the pictures and videos to post on our blog, I went to this family's blog and was crying my eyes out. Kayleigh has taken a turn for the worst, and I can't help but think about this poor family. There are people all over the world following this family's story, and I thought maybe our group of family and friends could keep them in our thoughts and prayers. If you would like to visit their blog, the address is http://kayleighannefreeman.blogspot.com/. Joe and I feel so lucky that we have healthy children.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Oh my gosh, how time has flown by! It's been a crazy couple of weeks, and we have not been able to get on the computer to post. We had a great Easter, except Giovanna had a horrible cold, and got worse and worse as the day went on. She's all better now. We've tried some more foods: Avacado which was more like avacad-NO, Pears are a YAY, Peas no way, Apples yum, and surprisingly Acorn Squash is a GO! Gunnar began baseball practice last week, but we still do not have a game schedule. We've been taking advantage of this nice weather, and last weekend we put a blanket outside for Giovanna to play. She rolled to the edge and discovered grass. She studied it so seriously. It was too adorable. And on a last note, Giovanna is OH SO CLOSE to crawling! You'll see in the video below. . .

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Green Beans!!!!

So far we've introduced Giovanna to Bananas (did not go over so well), Sweet Potato (LOVES them), and today we tried Green Beans. The video speaks for itself. What a champ! Enjoy!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

And the Home... of the... BRAVES!!!

One season ends and another begins. Hockey finished on Tuesday. For the last lesson, there was a special guest appearance by Chicago Wolves player Rylan Kaip, #20, Center. The kids were able to talk to him for a few minutes during practice (first video below), then afterwards he was available for autographs. Gunnar was able to ask him a question and asked, "What position do you play?" However, Gunnar did forget to tell him that we were at the Wolves game on Saturday. He figured that since Rylan was injured with a broken arm, he wouldn't have been at that game. We did get a phone call from Gunnar's new baseball coach today, and he is on the BRAVES! We are not sure when practices begin, or when games start, but we will keep you all udpated! Below is also a picture of Gunnar and Giovanna. It was really cute, Gunnar put his Crocs on Giovanna. We also started giving Giovanna Oatmeal with Bananas today. So far so good!
