Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Weekend

We had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! We started the weekend off on Friday night by having Lou Malnati's pizza at Laura's apartment. Auntie Loda and Grandma took all the kids to the park. Giuliana went on the swings for the first time and loved it. Gunnar had a blast watching the kids playing hockey in the tennis courts (he told me he decided that instead of buying a blackhawks jersey, that he wants to buy rollerblades!), and Giovanna as usual went down the slides!

Then on Saturday we went to Isabella's 2nd birthday party. She looked so cute in all of her wardrobe changes! Giovanna had a great time swimming in Isabella's pool and playing with all the kids. In the evening, Gunnar, Giovanna, Giuliana and I walked down Gunnison to see the fireworks at the golf course in Harwood Heights. They really do a nice display. It was so cute, every time a bus drove by Giovanna would say, "bye bye daddy." It amazes me that she recognizes a bus and knows that that's her daddy's job.

Unfortunately, Joe had to work on the 4th. The girls and I went to my parents' house for the day. Giovanna spent practically the entire day in the pool, so I don't have any pictures of her in the cute 4th of July dress Joe bought her. On the drive home, I took the main roads instead of the tollway so we could see the fireworks as we drove through the different towns. Giovanna loved it and practically the entire ride home was saying, "Mommy! Fire! I see em!" Joe got home from work shortly after we got home. I put Giuliana to bed, then pulled out a blanket, and Joe, Giovanna and I sat out on the front lawn watching the fireworks going off in our neighborhood. It's a memory I will always have. I can't wait for next year when Giuliana is old enough to enjoy these moments too.
Auntie Loda and Giuliana
Giuliana swimming for the first time

Giuliana in her bathing suit

Giuliana and Grandma

Giovanna squirting Grandma with the hose

Grandma was squirting Giovanna with the hose

Giovanna was "reading" me the joke on her popsicle stick

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