Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 5th Test Results Update

Hopefully the days of taking tests that require weeks or months of waiting for results are over, and we are now at a stage where all of Giuliana's test results will come back as quickly as they did this week! On Monday Giuliana had her first abdominal ultrasound. The ultrasound was interperted by a radiologist the findings passed on to her pediatrician. We got a phone call this week, and we are happy to report that everything in the ultrasound looks normal thus far. They had trouble seeing her pancreas because she was moving so much during the scan, but they are not concerned. She also had her blood drawn for another AFP test, and her AFP level dropped to 43. That's a good thing! We want her AFP levels to continue to go down. When they increase, that's when there is concern for cancer.

Giuliana is now at the age that Giovanna was when we setup her jumperoo. So we decided to pull it out and see how things go. Ya. . .she mostly just licks the seat. It brought back fond memories for Giovanna. In one of the videos below, she seems to be more excited for Giuliana than Giuliana is. We have also caught Giovanna several times climbing into the jumperoo. We mostly catch her because she screams, "mommy (or daddy) I stuck" and sure enough we come in to the room and she's all jammed in there with one leg hanging out, stuck. I'll have to try to get a picture next time. That just seems cruel to take her picture when she's in need of help, but you have to see, it's hilarious!

Giovanna had her swim class today, and today I decided it was time for her to go under. She does so well putting her face in the water to blow bubbles, and the teachers always ask if she goes under. So, today when we were in the pool singing "Ring Around the Rosie," when we got to the part where you say, "we all fall down" down Giovanna went. I was pleasantly surprised, she did not cry one bit, nor was she afraid. She did not cling to me. She was a bit shocked, but just wiped her face and continued on with the songs.

Giuliana in the jumperoo

The girls playing with the jumperoo

Giovanna has been practicing counting to 10.
She also loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,
and her ABC's

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