Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 1 & 2 2011

What a great start to the 4th of July weekend! On Friday, Joe and I were both off of work, and we took the kids downtown. The weather was supposed to be a scorcher, but luckily it stayed in the mid 70's for our day. Then on Saturday the girls had their friend Isabella over to play and we had a blast. Tomorrow is our BBQ, then Monday a relaxing 4th.

This picture was actually from Thursday night.
This is the first night Giuliana gave us a hard time
going to bed. She kept coming in our room, on Joe's
side of the bed saying, "Da da." We would take turns
putting her back to bed. This is the last time. We heard
her come in our room, we heard a thunk, then silence.
Both of us peeked over the edge of the bed to see this!
We knew we had to capture a picture. It was so funny!
The girls and I waited "upstairs" while Joe and Gunnar went
"downstairs" to get info about tickets for a boat ride.

Daddy & the kids in Millenium Park.

Gunnar & Giovanna sitting on a ledge in Millenium Park.

Giuliana & Giovanna sitting on a lower ledge in Millenium Park.

Mommy & Giovanna on the boat.

Dad & Gunnar on the boat.

Mommy & Giuliana on the boat.

The kids "going under water" in our pool.

Giuliana splashing away!

Giovanna & Isabella dumping buckets of water on
their heads!

Giovanna's big splash down the "waterslide."

Giuliana's big splash down the "waterslide."

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