Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Giuliana's AFP Levels Are Dropping

On Saturday we took Giuliana for her AFP blood test. Old McDonald is her favorite song, so I sang to her and she sucked away on her binks while the nurses drew her blood. Not a single flinch, cry, or tear. She's a champ. I tell her every time, when she's old enough, Mommy and Daddy will take her for ice cream, or french fries, or whatever she wants after her blood tests. We got the results this afternoon, and her AFP levels continue to drop. Last time it was 43, today it was 28! Again, this is a good thing. We want those levels to continue to go down.

As promised, Giuliana's bathtub hair photo!

Now Giuliana is trying to push herself up to a sitting
position. She makes a "sexy pose" but the camera didn't
click fast enough. I still like the picture that came out, so
wanted to share.

Gunnar in his football gear

On 2. . .Hut, Hut HIKE!

Hey tough guy!

Friday, August 20, 2010

We've Had Some Time To Breathe!

Whew! We've actually had a slow couple of weeks. They almost seem normal, no doctor's appointments! We had Gunnar almost all week last week, so we took another family trip up to Magic Waters since we had such a nice time last time. Of course, it was hectic getting out the door, so we both forgot to pack the camera. Next year. Below are just a couple of cute recent pictures. Tomorrow we take Giuliana for another one of her 6 week AFP blood tests, so we'll have an update as soon as we get the results.
Giovanna got this hat from her babysitter and she loves
to wear it, as well as her backpack. She looks like she's
ready to head to school. It still breaks my heart to see her
black eye. Luckily it is all healed now.

I know I'm a dork and dress the girls alike, but I think it's
sooo cute. And, I have to while I can. Soon enough they're
going to tell me "No mommy." I can just hear it already.
Gwa Gwa Gwa,

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sooooo Close To Crawling!!!

OMG! Giuliana is sooooo close to crawling! Here is a video I took tonight.

Mommy & Me Swimming

Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted. We've had a busy week. I was in Las Vegas for work last week, and we had a crazy weekend. So, Giovanna and I took our Mommy & Me swim class again this summer, and we had a blast. (I can't wait for next summer when Giuliana can come too) It was extra fun this year because our friends Sarah & Isabella were in our class. Giovanna goes underwater now! Well, when mommy makes her.

Giovanna doing "Rocketship." We count down from 5
and when we get to 1, we BLASTOFF!

This year the instructors brought out the slide every class.
Giovanna and Isabella loved this part of the class. Although
the last class, Giovanna was not happy with me because
I had her go under water when she got to the bottom of the slide.

After we sing our songs, rocketship, and practice swimming on
tummies and floating on backs, we go to the kiddie pool where
the kids get to play with different toys. Giovanna loves the ducks!

Here Giovanna received her certificate of completion.
It was so cute watching her go up and claim her "trophy"

It was difficult being away from the family last week. I was so happy to come home. Friday evening the girls and I went for a walk. Giovanna was being lovey with Giuliana. It was too adorable. Giovanna was giving Giuliana kisses, and holding her hand. It was such a great evening.

After our walk, it was bath time. I love bath time. Giovanna has so much fun playing with bubbles and all the toys. We even make colored baths with special tablets that color the water. I took this picture to show Giovanna her hair, and she thought it was the funniest thing. Unfortunately, the camera's battery died before I could take Giuliana's mohawk picture. She was too cute too.
After both girls had their baths, we started our nighttime routine. Giuliana has her nigh-night bottle, Giovanna takes her vitamin and brushes her teeth, then we read a few stories, and it's off to bed for the girls. Unfortunately, Friday night took an unfortunate turn of events. While I was putting Giuliana in her crib and getting her hooked up to her home pulse oximeter, Giovanna decided to stop reading. I heard her exclaim, "JUMPEROO!" (or Junkeroo as she says) I heard fumble fumble CRASH, SCREAM, CRY. I ran out to the livingroom and swooped her up from underneath the jumperoo. She was screaming the loudest and most passionate that I've ever heard. I asked her where she bumped herself, and she pointed to her forehead. Needing better light I took her in to the kitchen to check her forehead (which was untouched by the way) and noticed her eye. It was black and blue and the swellilng was pretty intense. Thank God Vicki lives so close, and she was willing to come over and stay with Giuliana. I called the doctor's office and spoke with a nurse on call who advised that I take Giovanna to the ER. Giovanna is ok. They almost took xrays, but the second doctor who came in to see her said, "I was expecting a horrible black eye. This is not bad, it just needs to be cleaned. She'll be ok." I was so relieved our baby girl is ok. We did take a picture the next day, but it breaks my heart to see her injured, so I do not have the energy to post the picture. Each day the swelling comes down, and the bruise is slowly fading. When Joe came home from work, we decided to put the jumperoo away. The first thing Giovanna asked for the next morning was the jumperoo. Since then, we have decided to bring it back up for Giuliana to play in, and we are teaching Giovanna that she is too big to play with the jumperoo. So far, it's going well.
