Wednesday, May 5, 2010

ENT Doctor Update

Today Giuliana saw the Ear, Nose & Throat doctor. We really don't have any new information. 90% of our questions were answered with, "We'll just have to see how she does as she grows." He did tell us that on the spectrum of enlarged tongues, that hers is moderately large. It's not the largest tongue, nor is it the mildest. He was able to see the back of her throat which is a good thing and it appears that her tongue is only large towards the front. However, he did recommend that we get a machine called a Home Pulse Oximeter to monitor her breathing and oxygen levels.

I was upset the car ride home because yet again, we pretty much left the doctor's office with little more information than we came in with. As I thought about it more, it's a good thing. If all he wants is for us to monitor her oxygen levels and come back in 6 weeks, then she must be doing pretty well, right? So in a twisted sense, it was a good appointment!

Over the weekend we celebrated the family March, April, May, and June birthdays. Below is our first family of 5 picture! Since Saturday, Giovanna has been singing her version of "Happy Birthday." Below is a video, if you can't hear, she's singing "Birthday you."

When I get ready in the mornings, Giovanna likes to participate in my routine. She uses a cotton ball to "remove her eye makeup," then she brushes her hair, and she loves the blowdryer. Below is a funny video of our morning blowdrying.

The Lees 2010

Awe, sisters!


Birthday you!

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