Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Blizzard

Oh. . .My. . .Gosh! I cannot believe this blizzard actually happened. It was like being in a movie. I cannot believe how violent and angry this storm was, with no relief. Straight high winds, snow, THUNDER & LIGHTNING for hours. The girls and I were lucky to get home by 5:15ish, but unfortunately Joe was just beginning his shift. Just after we walked in the door, I was making calls to family letting them know we got home ok, and our power went out. Luckily it was short lived, and came back within a half hour.

I was sending Joe's mom text messages about it, and jokingly said, "I'm making dinner right now so the girls can eat before it happens again." Well, at 6:15 we lost power AGAIN. And it stayed out until 2:30 a.m. My concern was keeping the girls warm, but luckily, they fell asleep pretty early, and blankets were enough to keep us warm. The temperature in the house got as low as 57 degrees.

With the power being out, I had no way of keeping tabs on the storm or distracting myself from worrying about Joe being out there in the blizzard. It's not like he was away from home at an office during this blizzard. . .NO. . .he was driving up and down Broadway getting people to their homes. So I heard and saw every whip of the wind, iciness of the snow, thunder crash, and lightning bolt; everytime worrying more and more about my husband out there in the harsh elements.

We were able to keep in touch with eachother through a few text messages, but both of us wanted to conserve our batteries on our phones. Joe was down to one bar, and while I had 3 bars, with the power being out, I wanted to make sure I had a way of calling for help if there were an emergency. Finally at around 2:30 I get a phone call from him that he's in his van and on his way home. (Don't worry, the van has bluetooth so the phone call goes through the speaker system throughout the car) He had so many stories about his hellish night, neither of us could believe he was making it home. About 2 blocks away from home, dun dun dun, the van got stuck! So in those blistering winds, he trudged home through the snow to get shovels to dig the van out. By the time he headed back to the van, his footprints from coming home had completely vanished.

It didn't take Joe long to dig out the car, but it was clear he was not going to be able to make it down the street to get home. It turned out that St. Monica Church (about 2 blocks from home)had its parking lot plowed and he was able to park there and walk home. He was in the house for good at 3:45. By then the house was warming up and we were able to doze off watching the news for the blizzard news we missed all night long. Now that my family was home, I could sleep. Until 8:15 am when the girls woke up that is and our day of shoveling began!

Now that it's over and done with, and everyone is safe, what great memories. We got 20.2"!

At about 11:00 p.m. I opened the front door to try to take
a picture of the storm, and this is all I got.

The snow drifts were up to 4 feet tall, so our little
snowblower couldn't touch it. We had to shovel mostly
everything, then snow blow towards the end.
The snow was waist high on me, but when I stood in the
middle, I only sunk to my knees.
This is our house.
Our street. I don't know how a car made it down to make
these tracks. I think it was one of the city's tanks. Our
neighbor directly across the street works for the city, and
the city came and picked him up at 5 am to go out and
operate a front loader to help remove snow. So it was
probably their tank that made these tracks!
We brought Giovanna out to experience the blizzard
clean up. I took this picture right away, the wind gusted
once, and she was done. She cried and asked to go inside!

Shoveling, there was so much snow, we didn't know where
to put it all! The mounds were over my head (I know that's
hard to imagine) and I had a heck of a time lifting the snow
that high to get it off the driveway.

Later in the afternoon when things drastically calmed
down, we brought the girls out to play in the snow.
Giuliana loved it and I think was upset when I
brought her back in the house.

Giovanna & Giuliana in the snow. Doesn't Giuliana look
like the kid from "A Christmas Story?"

Jack & Gunnar came over too!
