Friday, April 23, 2010


Giovanna absolutely loves tomatoes, or as she calls them, maynos! The other day, Joe took her to Jewel because we needed tomatoes for our taco dinner. Joe turned around and sure enough, there was Giovanna chomping away. The tomatoes are right at her level and she grabbed one and took a bite like eating an apple! Joe went over and talked to the produce guy to explain what happened. The produce guy laughed and threw the bitten tomato in the waste pile!

Another mayno story: the other day Joe was making pork towers for dinner which also requires a tomato. Again he went to Jewel (this time he left Giovanna at home with me) to get a tomato. I was in the shower when he came home. He set the grocery bags on the floor while he ran downstairs to take the pork tenderloin out of the freezer. By the time he got back upstairs, there was Giovanna chomping away on the only tomato! He ended up cutting the whole tomato up for her to eat and of course, he had to go back to Jewel for another tomato. He bought two this time!

Giuliana update: Giuliana is doing well. She's our little piggy piggy, as we have now upped her bottles to 4 oz. and she continues to sleep well for us at night. We got the test results back for her Thyroid, and those came back normal. We're still waiting on the genetic tests. I called this morning, but the doctor did not return my call. It's very frustrating to sit and wait. Below are some more pictures for you to enjoy.

Giuliana on the boppy

Giuliana on the recliner

Giovanna eating her mayno

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